Selected Papers will be published in Scopus Indexed and UGC Carre Journals published by Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
International Conference on Advances and Creations in Mechanical Engineering 2025 (ICACME 2025) is hosted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Mahagaon, Maharashtra, India (affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India) and organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India on 02-04 April 2025. ICACME 2025 is providing a platform for various worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of mechanical engineering. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.
In this conference, authors can choose to present their papers either offline or online. Indian authors are encouraged to attend the conference in person to take advantage of the many benefits of in-person attendance..
Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Thermal and Fluid Engineering
Design, Dynamics and Control Systems
Automotive and Aerospace Engineering
All accepted papers that are registered and presented in the conference will be included in reputed journals or conference proceedigns. Further they will be submitted for indexing in major indexing services such as Elsevier-Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, etc. Various journals published by Trans Tech Publications (Scientific.Net), Switzerland have confirmed to publish papers from ICACME 2025.